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Director of the Institute

Prof. Dr. Matthias Reitzner
Phone: +49 541 969 2239
Fax: +49 541 969 2770
Welcome to the internet pages of the Mathematical Institute of the University of Osnabrück.
Osnabrück University and its mathematical department were founded in 1974 and, eventually, in 2004, today’s Institute of Mathematics arose from the department of mathematics. Thus, mathematics has been a core element ever since the beginning of studies at Osnabrück University. Its importance for the University of Osnabrück is also emphasized by the fact that pure mathematics represent a profile element.
Since the foundation the mathematics diploma course of study and the teaching profession course of study in mathematics have been well established. Starting with the winter term 2011/12 a new bachelor course of studies in mathematics was being offered additionally to the well established two-subject bachelor course. These courses of study are followed by the master course of study in mathematics with a field of application.
In co-operation with the research group Mathematics Education, teacher’s training for primary and secondary schools as well as education for teachers in vocational and grammar schools are offered.
The Institute of Mathematics is divided into seven research groups: Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, Topology and Geometry, Stochastics, Systems Science, Applied Analysis, Applied Algebra and Data Analysis, and Mathematics Education. In these research groups numerous PhD students and postdocs work together, partly in externally funded research projects. There are close research connections to the Institute of Computer Science.